• East Dubuque Employment Opportunities


    Below are the available professional employment opportunities at East Dubuque School District.  Please select the link to the employment opportunity in which you are most interested.  Each link will direct you to the Illinois Job Bank and will provide you with more details about the position. 

    Pre-School Teacher 

    District Speech/Language Pathologist 

    Junior High Athletic Director

    Paraprofessional Position: East Dubuque School District 119 is looking for a Paraprofessional to assist at East Dubuque Elementary.  Interested candidates should contact Wes Heiar, the building Principal, as soon as possible.   Any questions regarding this position should be directed to Wes Heiar at wheiar@edbqhs.org or call (815) 747-3117.  

    Thank you for your time in our application process.  If you have any questions, please contact Superintendent Potts' office.  

    Phone:  (815) 747-2111

    Email: tpotts@edbqhs.org

    East Dubuque U.S.D. #119 is an EO/AA employer.