• East Dubuque Elementary School Report Card 

    The State of Illinois has released the Illinois Report Cards for each school in our school district.  The Report Card is a collection of statistics used by the State of Illinois to reflect how our schools compare to other schools through out the State of Illinois.  After analyzing the many statistics such as retention rate, student mobility, chronic absenteeism, scores on state mandated testing, and many more, the State designates an title of attainment to each Illinois School.  There are four categories of designated titles:  

    Exemplary School:  A school performing in the top 10% of schools statewide, with no underperforming student groups.

    Commendable School: A school that has no underperforming student groups, a graduation rate greater than 67%, and whose performance is not in the top 10% of schools statewide.

    Underperforming School: A school in which one or more student groups is performing at or below the level of "all students" group in the lowest performing 5% of schools.

    Lowest Performing School:  A school that is in the lowest performing 5% of schools in the State of Illinois and any high school with a graduation rate of 67% or less. 

    East Dubuque Elementary School is proud to boast the attainment of a Commendable School rating.   

    Peruse the State Report Card.  If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to Elementary Principal Wes Heiar, via email, phone, or in person.  


    Phone:  (815)747-3117                 Email:  wheiar@edbqhs.org