Applications must be completed annually and can be completed at any time during the school year. Forms are available at each school or you can print the application directly from this page. Electronic applications are not available at this time.
If a family is eligible for meal benefits, they may also qualify for a full or partial waiver of school fees. A fee waiver form must be completed and submitted to the school secretary.
All applications are processed by the Food Service Director.
Copies of applications will not be available to anyone without the expressed written or oral consent of the applicant.
Who can see my application?
Posted by:Your application is approved, processed and maintained in a secure location by the Food Service Director. The school secretary may have access to your application if you submit the application to them. The secretary will send the application to the Food Service Director in a secured envelope. Other school personnel (Superintendant, Principal, Secretary, Counselor) may need to know your status in certain situations but will not have access to your completed application form.
We make every attempt to keep your information confidential. You will receive a release of confidentiality form to be completed with your F/R application. On this form you may indicate the level of confidentiality you prefer. Forms MUST be signed to be effective.
Once my application is approved, do I report an increase in income or decrease in household size?
Posted by:NO! Once your annual application is approved, you retain your status for the entire school year. You do not have to report an increase in income or a decrease in household size.
Can I change my application after it has been submitted/approved?
Posted by:YES! If your circumstances change (decrease in income or increase in household size), contact Sherry Kaiser, Director of Food & Nutrition. You do not need to complete a new application, changes can be made to your current application. If you did not qualify at the time of submission, you may re-apply for benefits at any time!
Phone: (815)747-2111 Ext 3012
Email: jheim@edbqhs.org
Who is considered a member of my household?
Posted by:Anyone living within the same home is considered a household member, including students enrolled in college that depend on your financial support.
Reminder: anyone listed as a household member must provide income on the application (excluding temporary jobs)
What is considered income?
Posted by:Income sources include wages earned, child support or disability income.............
Gross income is the amount of earnings BEFORE any deductions are subtracted. If an individual is self employed, please complete the back of the application to calculate income.
Temporary income for any household member does not need to be reported (example: temporary summer job that will end).
Do I need to complete an application every year?
Posted by:Yes, free and reduced-price meal applications must be completed annually. Although the majority of applications are submitted at the beginning of the school year, an application can be submitted at any time.